Monday, March 14, 2011

Sickly Green and the Smell of Basil

The pleasantry of cul-de-sac living coupled with a soiled minivan and the smell of kid’s feet is the resemblance of what my life is all about; love and family.
Being raised by southern parents (Goosepond, AL and the swamps of LA) you would assume I understood the basic instinct of why put it away. But oh no! Seeking a life in the burbs to raise a family with better etiquette I find myself surrounded by those with a gene pool designed by royalty.  Of course my genes are that of the dust maid as those of my masculine princesses boast something much bluer; the only finger they raise (around here) has an expression tacked adequately to its tip.
Sitting at the computer somewhere between 8:30 am and insanity I sit to read Little Red Riding Hood.  She left a trail of bread crumbs to find her way if she got lost. With that I put on waders, grab a drink and decided to follow the trails left behind by those who adore me so much.  As I tripped over jackets, schoolbooks, boxer shorts and socks I eventually found myself losing my stomach over a pile of half eaten food, dirty dishes and a stash of candy wrappers.  Did I mention the bag of chips the dog got in to? That was under the bed.
Simply put, I have teenagers. Wonderful loving young men that leave me on Mondays with the desire to seek the hind link maneuver as their marked territory leaves me with an all too sensitive gag reflex.
Seriously, tilt this place on its side, open the door, drop in two dogs and two teenage boys; add moisture, give it a shake and let it sit in the sun for a bit and you’ve got my house. Although accustomed to it, it is all I can do to dance with a bottle of pine sol and erase their memory.
I know there is a kitchen in here somewhere.  I just know it!

4-6         Boneless Chicken Thighs (you can sue breasts but thighs taste better)
1Jar       Prepared Pesto (buy or make your own with a bunch of basil, 1 cup olive oil and ½ cup prepared grated permission cheese)
½ c        Pine nuts
Preheat oven at 350o.
Wash chicken and remove skin and all fat. Dry and place in a baking dish sprayed with non-stick stuff like PAM. Cover with pesto sauce.
In a shallow pan, toast pine nuts with a little salt. Add ¾ of the nuts to chicken dish and bake for 45 minutes. Shorter time for breasts.
Serve over Vegetable infused rice.

2            Crowns of Broccoli
1c           Basmati Rice
1 ½ c      Water
¼ c        Pine Nuts (toasted in 1t Butter)
1t          Garlic
1t          Chicken Bouillon
½ t         Lemon Juice
Toast pine nuts with 1t Butter set aside.
In a Cuisinart pulse Broccoli until all is about the size of the Broccoli flower (very very small).
In a large pan, add Water, Garlic and Bouillon and bring to a boil. Stir in Broccoli and 1 cup Basmati Rice. Cover with lid and turn burner down to low simmer for 20 minutes.

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