Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do You Suffer From Cronic Lift Frequency?

From the land of the giants I ask:  Are you always on a diet?  Always looking to shed a few pounds?  Well, skip the fad diets, get plenty of exercise, eat appropriate portions and watch your fork to mouth lift frequency.

health·y  (h l th )
adj. health·i·er, health·i·est
1. Possessing good health.
2. Conducive to good health; healthful: healthy air.
3. Indicative of sound, rational thinking or frame of mind: a healthy attitude.
4. Sizable; considerable: a healthy portion of potatoes; a healthy raise in salary.

One may argue my state of mind, but I will talk to myself about that later. What I will admit too is that I fail on all the above except portion.

Speaking of portion, this recipe is a cholesterol nightmare and should be handled with care. If it helps, compliment it with a lot of Salad and Fruit.
Not being an advocate of preprocessed foods, I am amused when certain items are a foundation to a new creation. For example, this recipe is not unlike finding another way to make hamburger taste like steak.  I took 3 Cheese Tortellini and lasagna’ized it by sandwiching eggplant, cauliflower, capers and garlic between layers. 45 minutes later done

1 pkg      Prepared Cheese Tortellini
2            Japanese Eggplant
2            Cloves Garlic (sliced thin)
½                    Stick Butter
½ c        Olive Oil
2T                   Italian Seasoning
½ hd.     Cauliflower
½ c        Cubed Turkey
3T                    Capers
½ c        White Wine
½ c        Fresh Italian Parsley (diced)
2 c         Mozzarella Grated
1                    Fresh Bunch Basil
1t          Lemon Juice
¼ c        Grated Parmesan
Preheat over to 355o.
Cook Tortellini for half the time as directed on package and set aside.
In a pan, add sliced Egg Plant, Butter and Olive Oil and sauté for 5 minutes.
Add Italian Seasoning, Capers, Lemon Juice and White Wine. Sauté another minute or two and add Cubed Turkey. Sauté another 3 minutes and remove from heat.  Add finely diced Cauliflower and diced Italian Parsley.
In a baking dish, layer half of the Tortellini, sprinkle with 1/3 Great Mozzarella, add Eggplant mixture and spread over top, add 1/3 Grated Mozzarella, top with remaining Tortellini, sprinkle remaining Mozzarella, layer on Basil Leaves, top with Parmesan.
Cover (with dome) aluminum foil and bake 35 minutes. Remove foil and bake another 15 minutes.

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